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Roc the Plate is a charitable diner’s club founded on the idea that the pleasures of dining out can facilitate a positive impact beyond that which is experienced at the table… The club works in conjunction with a rotating list of local sponsors & establishments to organize intimate banquets in which a group of both long-time and new friends gather to break bread & imbibe while simultaneously giving back to local and national charities (All charity suggestions are taken into consideration and voted on by the board prior to each event). Furthermore, the group encourages volunteer participation in a hands-on setting with the “charity of choice” prior to each event.  

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Conceptualized by Nick Delzell & Shane Curry in 2018, the club's initial purpose was to bring together long-time friends in a scheduled yet entertaining, revolving setting that stimulated conversation beyond the typical & tired catch-up routine. Upon seeing the success in bringing people together, the idea to expand upon the club's potential &  purpose began to take root. The vision for the club's future incorporates growth, networking, and ultimately a bigger offering & platform for charitable efforts.


We want to hear from you! Email us anytime about anything from volunteer opportunities, restaurant recommendations, partnerships/sponsorships, or just general suggestions for improvement. 



Roc the Plate is run + organized on a purely volunteer basis... We work with the restaurants to determine a cost, and set a ticket price to allow for a 100% donation after break-even. That is that. We are hoping to register as a 501(c)(3)  when our budget is a little bit healthier... We cover tax and gratuity in ticket price, and cover all overhead (ie. website, coordination, etc) out of pocket. 




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© 2019 Roc the Plate

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